2017 News
November 15, 2017
Award: James Maku was honored at a UF International Center ceremony and received an “Outstanding Achievement Award”. He is pictured holding his Certificate of Merit flanked by Agronomy Department Chair, Dr. Robert Gilbert. Congratulations James!

September 18, 2017
Publication: Dev Paudel was a coauthor on a paper titled "Pearl millet genome sequence provides a resource to improve agronomic traits in arid environments" in Nature Biotechnology.
September 2, 2017
Publication: Xiping Yang published a paper titled "Constructing high-density genetic maps for polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and identifying quantitative trait loci controlling brown rust resistance" in Molecular Breeding. Congratulations Xiping!
August 27, 2017
Dev Paudel was a recipient of the Conviron Scholar, American Society of Plant Biologists. As part of the Conviron Scholar Program, Dev prepared "Tutorials on using R for data analysis" and did an informational interview with Dr. Marcio Resende
August 14, 2017
Award: James Maku and Dev Paudel were awarded the William C. and Bertha M. Cornett Fellowship by the University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Congratulations James and Dev!
August 9, 2017
Publication: Xiping Yang published a paper titled "Mining sequence variations in representative polyploid sugarcane germplasm accessions" in BMC Genomics. Congratulations Xiping!
August 4, 2017
Graduation: Zi-fan Zhao graduated with a MS degree in Agronomy from the University of Florida! Congratulations Zi-fan! He will be continuing in Dr. Wang's lab as a new PhD student.

July 13, 2017
Award: Dr. Wang was awarded Bailey Award at the American Peanut Research and Education Society meeting! The Bailey Award was established in honor of Wallace K. Bailey, an eminent peanut scientist and recognizes the best paper presented at the previous year’s Annual Meeting. Congratulations Dr. Wang!

May 10, 2017
Publication: Ze Peng published a paper titled "Target enrichment sequencing in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) using probes designed from transcript sequences" in Molecular Genetics and Genomics.
April 19, 2017
Award: Dev Paudel was awarded a registration and travel scholarship to attend the 2017 Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics at the University of Washington in Seattle. Congratulations Dev!
April 13, 2017
UF Plant Science Symposium: As the president of UF Plant Science Council, Dev Paudel helped to organize the first annual Plant Science Symposium at the University of Florida. The symposium featured five invited speakers, four travel award winners, poster competition, and educational tour to PSREU, Citra. For details visit: www.ufplants.org

April 2, 2017
Award: Dr. Wang was nominated as a new member of SigmaXi, The Honor Society of Science at University of Florida Chapter. In addition, she was selected as the recipient of Junior Faculty Research Award 2017 by SIGMA XI, University of Florida Chapter. Congratulations Dr. Wang!

March 17, 2017
Award: Zi-fan Zhao's poster titled 'Towards fine-mapping a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) controlling spotted wilt disease resistance in cultivated peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.)' was selected as an Outstanding Poster at the AAGB-2017. Dr. Wang is featured in the picture along with Zi-fan's poster.

January 6, 2017
Publication: Ze Peng published a paper titled "Transcriptome profiles reveal gene regulation of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) nodulation" in Scientific Reports.
January 5, 2017
Publication: Wenlan Tian published a paper titled "Enriching Genomic Resources and Marker Development from Transcript Sequences of Jatropha curcas for Microgravity Studies" in International Journal of Genomics.
January 4, 2017
Ziliang Luo joined Wang's Lab as a PhD student in the Agronomy Department. Welcome Ziliang.